Blanc Blanc, built in an alley filled with multi-family housings in Samjeon-dong, has a distinctive external appearance from the surrounding buildings with a pure white and grout-less mass texture. On the facade of the building, which brightly illuminates the surroundings as it is finished in white, windows are rhythmically arranged, giving off a clean yet exceptional atmosphere. When passing through the first floor piloti, which is supported by exposed concrete, an external staircase that allows access to each household is faced, and it also leads to the rear side where the balconies are arranged. The pure white facade that lights up the alley of Samjeon-dong was constructed with an STO external insulation system, thus it prides itself on satisfying eco-friendly aspects while being economical. Blanc means pure white in French. Within the uniform and crowded alley landscape, the neat and pure white building is changing the surrounding atmosphere.
삼전동 다세대주택들이 즐비한 골목에 세워진 블랑블랑은 순백의 메지가 없는 매스감으로 주변 건물과 차별화된 외관을 가지고 있다. 주변을 환하게 비추는 백색 마감의 건물 파사드에는 창이 리드미컬하게 배치되어 정갈하면서도 색다른 분위기를 풍긴다. 노출콘크리트가 받치고 있는 1층 필로티를 가로질러 들어가면, 각 세대로 진입할 수 있는 외부계단이 나오며, 발코니가 배치된 배면으로도 이어진다. 삼전동 골목길을 빛나게 만드는 순백색의 파사드는 스토외단열시스템으로 시공되어 경제적이면서도 친환경적인 측면까지 만족시키는 건축물임을 자랑한다. 블랑(Blanc)은 불어로 순백색을 뜻한다. 획일적이고 혼잡한 골목 풍경 속에 순백색의 깔끔한 건축물이 주변 분위기를 바꾸고 있다.
Architects GGUMEI
Location Baekjegobun-ro, Songpa-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Site area 201.7㎡
Building area 119.58㎡
Gross floor area 402.52㎡
Height 19m
Building to land ratio 59.29%
Floor area ratio 199.56%
Construction period 2019. 05 - 2020. 02
Completion 2020. 02
Principal architect Nanhyung Ryu
Project architect Gaeun Lee, Yunhee Kim
Structural engineer Eun Structure
Mechanical engineer Sam Jeong E&C
Electrical engineer Han Yang
Construction Solheim construction
Photographer Yongsu Kim
해당 프로젝트는 리빙즈, 디테일 02호에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in LIVINGS, Detail 02
[BOOK] LIVINGS, Detail 리빙즈, 디테일 01호, 02호
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