The Winery at Podernuovo is located near San Casciano dei Bagni, in the outskirts of Siena, in Southern Tuscany. It overlooks a vineyard named after the agricultural estate it belongs to. The vineyard, designed to contain spaces accessible to the public, spaces of production, and offices endeavors to reduce as much as possible its impact on the environment. The winery can be accessed from two points: the fist situated by the service entrance near the loading docks, the second by the parking lot used by both visitors and staff. The main county road diverges, branching off into a local road (Strada delle Vigne, “of the vines” in English) which curves left, and intersects the access that leads all transport to the main terrace. By planning the entrance in this manner, the architects managed to avoid the overlap of flows between general and specialized traffic. This zone, on the Eastern side of the winery, is where the first parking area is found. The access road continues uphill towards a secondary parking area and ends at a third parking area, intended principally for staff and visitors. At this point the entrance used by the workers is also accessed, only separately, merging with the office spaces and the production areas, as well as passing by the changing rooms. This split access was intentionally designed in this manner to once more avoid interference with production. Upon access through the principal loading dock, on the left are located three main program areas: the vat cellar, the barrel cellar, and the wine cellar where the bottled wine is stored and left to mature; on the right of the corridor, instead, the architects placed the zones where the final stages of wine production are undertaken (i.e. the main bottling area, a storage for oenological products, a secondary processing area where wine is fined in steel barrels), the staircase to the upper floors, the water reserves (intended for sprinklers, irrigation, flushing) and the warehouse space where the barrels are cleaned. A height of +6.10 meters creates a series of interstitial zones amongst the intermediate programs, like the mechanical rooms above the main production space, the staff changing rooms, the toilets for visitors and the laboratories. The latter are accessed via a private staircase which also leads to the offices. At a similar height of +5.30 meters above the fermentation areas, a wine tasting room overlooks the program. Large panels of glass compose two sides of the room, allowing incredible visibility into the barrel storage area and into the garden, which is enclosed by two of the concrete walls and slopes towards the upper levels of the project. A ramp also at this level allows access to the exterior of the winery and continues the plane out towards the landscape. A large entrance serves as a vestibule for both the people who access the space via the staircase and those coming from the outside. By means of a glass door, the main corridor overlooking the terrace is once more accessed. The wine tasting room, the meeting rooms, the offices with six workstations, and toilets, can be entered from both sides of the axis. The production zones and the meeting rooms are enclosed by large glass walls that overlook the terrace which was partly tiled, whilst the rest forms a distinctive green roof over the program areas. The shades are a distinctive detail throughout the building. Conceived as a light metallic frame structure, they cover the entrance, act as a roof in specific locations and protect the offices from direct sunlight. On the ground floor the large glass panels span the entire width of the rooms and visually connect the vat cellar with the exterior whichm during harvest, is transformed into an incredibly dynamic space and is one of the most fascinating sights to oversee. The materials for the building were chosen to integrate the architecture, as much as possible, with the landscape of its surroundings. Exposed concrete, brick, klinker, varnished steel, glass are all the materials that characterize the envelope of the winery. The long walls that traverse and anchor the project are exposed and painted in a color similar to the hue of clay which characterizes the earth in Tuscany; it is as if they had just emerged from the ground to house a process older even than the Etruscan antecedents of the land. The building is further embellished by a green roof and shades over the offices and main production areas.
포데르누오보 와이너리는 토스카나 남부 시에나 외곽의 산 카시아노 데이 바니 근처에 있다. 포데르누오보 포도밭을 내려다보고 있다. 방문자들을 위한 개방 공간, 와인 생산 및 보관 공간, 사무실 등을 가진 와이너리는 주변의 아름다운 자연환경에 미치는 영향을 최소화하도록 설계됐다. 저장실, 통의 저장실, 그리고 병에 든 와인이 숙성되기 위해 남겨지는 와인 저장실 대신, 복도의 오른편에 와인 생산의 최종 단계가 수행되는 구역(즉, 주요 보틀링 영역, 포도주 연구용 제품들을 위한 저장고이자 와인이 철재 통에서 정제되는 2차 가공 영역), 상단 층으로 가는 계단, 물 저장고 (스프링클러, 관개, 증서를 위한 용도), 와인통들을 보관하는 창고가 있다. 주 생산 공간 위에 있는 기계실, 직원 탈의실, 방문객을 위한 화장실, 실험실 중간마다 중간 공간을 만들어 활용하고 있는 것을 볼 수 있다. 발효실 조금 위에는 와인 시음실이 커다란 유리 패널은 방의 양면을 구성하며, 통 보관 구역 등을 바라볼 수 있도록 설계되어 있다. 램프로 이어지는 입구부터 계단을 통해 공간을 접근할 수 있으며, 1층에는 커다란 유리 패널이 방의 전폭에 걸쳐 있고, 통 보관실과 외관을 시각적으로 연결하는데, 이러한 시각적인 연결은 포도를 수확하는 기간 동안 다른 모습을 보여주기도 한다. 와이너리에 사용된 자재는 노출 콘크리트, 벽돌, 클링커, 니스 칠 한 철재, 유리 프로젝트를 횡단하고 정박하는 긴 벽들을 노출했으며, 투스카니 토양 같은 색조로 마감했다. 건물은 마치 에트루리아인의 땅보다 더 오래된 과정을 수용하기 위해 땅에서 막 나온 것 같은 모습이다.
Architect Alvisi Kirimoto
Location Siena, Italy
Use Winery
Gross floor area 4,500㎡
Design period 2009 - 2010
Completion 2013. 2
Principal architect Massimo Alvisi, Junko Kirimoto
Project architect assimo Alvisi, Junko Kirimoto, Alessandra Spiezia, Arabella Rocca
Structural engineer ESAPROGETTI srl, TECNO STUDIO
Mechanical / Electrical engineer Studio Tecnico Emanuele Mucci e Fabrizio Corridori
Construction ALTO soc. Coop
Project management TOSCANA PROJECT srl
Client Podernuovo a Palazzone di Giovanni Bulgari
Photographer Fernando Guerra, FG + SG
May 2022 : vol. 492
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