Scholars of the past often left books or passages their children must read in their future lives as their legacy. Children realize the profundity and meaning of the words their parents left when they become their parents age. Architectural spaces as well, in this manner, have messages that parents leave to their children. This is a story of an art gallery built on a small hill in Gunsan.
The client, when the first meeting, was a fine, gray-haired gentleman with unique features. He said that he wanted to live and give his heart to people on a small hill. In his youth, when employment rate nearly approached 100%, he was unable to find a job. He took many recruitment tests, but even that did not work. However, he was presented with a completely unexpected opportunity. It was the path of a fire fighter. This was a job he had never considered in his whole life. In such a way, he lived as a fire fighter for decades and saved countless lives. He said that this was destiny.
This client’s desire was to leave a message through the space: “When you have something you want to do but you are unable to do it or you’re forced to turn around because it’s not your path, fate will point you to something else so don’t be discouraged!”
Therefore, the architect designed it in this way. After walking through the art gallery, one sees the light shining at the side and identifies it as the exit, and walks towards the stairs there. Slowly ascending the stairs, they find the most beautiful pine trees of the hill. The surrounding landscape as well, is far too astonishing, so they stop for a moment and admire the scenery. Although, they cannot enter that scenery as it is obstructed with glass. It is a path that they must eventually turn around and descend. When they are about to return, they see a message engraved on the wall. “No matter how beautiful, it might not be your way. At such times, all you have to do is find your destined path without hesitation.” After seeing that message and coming down, they can ultimately find the hidden exit. When they proceed through that exit, a vastly extended bamboo forest appears. A new bamboo forest had appeared to them, who only thought of the hill.
Daughters and sons will seek this art gallery thinking about their parents, and through this art gallery, they will never forget the spirit their parents left them.
자녀에게 남길 메시지가 새겨진 공간, ‘공감선유
예전의 선비들은 자녀가 앞으로 살아가는 동안 읽어야 할 서적이나 글귀를 유산으로 남기곤 했다. 유산을 물려받은 자녀는 부모의 나이가 되었을 때 부모가 남겨놓은 서신의 깊이와 의미를 깨닫게 된다. 이와 같이 건축공간에도 부모가 자녀에게 남기는 메시지가 있다. 군산의 작은 언덕에 지어진 미술관 이야기다.
건축주는 남다른 풍모를 가진 멋진 백발 신사로, 그는 작은 언덕에서 사람들에게 마음을 내어주며 살고 싶다고 했다. 건축주의 바람은 자녀에게 공간을 통해 메시지를 남기는 것이었다. “인생을 살다 보면 하고 싶어도 하지 못하거나 자신의 길이 아니어서 뒤돌아설 수밖에 없는 순간에 운명이 가리키는 길이 있으니 용기를 잃지 말라!”
미술관을 거닐다 옆에서 들어오는 빛을 보고 출구로 인식해 그쪽의 계단으로 발걸음을 옮긴다. 천천히 올라가다 보니 언덕에서 가장 아름다운 다섯 그루의 소나무가 보인다. 주변 경치도 너무 아름다워 잠시 머물러 경치를 감상한다. 하지만 유리로 막혀 있어 그 경치로 나아갈 수는 없다. 결국 다시 뒤돌아 내려와야 하는 길이다. 뒤돌아 내려오려 할 때, 벽에 새겨진 메시지를 보게 된다. “아무리 아름다운 길이라도 내 길이 아닐 수도 있다. 그땐 주저 말고 내 운명의 길을 찾으면 된다.” 그 메시지를 보고 내려온 후에 비로소 숨겨져 있던 출구를 찾을 수 있다. 그 출구를 통해 나아가면 넓게 펼쳐진 대나무 숲이 나온다. 언덕만을 생각했던 그에게 새로운 대나무 숲이 펼쳐진 것이다. 자녀는 부모를 생각하며 이 미술관을 찾게 될 것이고, 이 미술관을 통해 부모가 남겨준 정신을 잊지 않을 것이다.
Architects KEAB
Location Gunsan-si, Jeollabuk-do, Republic of Korea
Site area 2,757m2
Building area 525.68m2
Gross floor area 525.68m2
Building scope 1F
Design period 2017. 9 - 2018. 5
Construction period 2018. 5 - 2019. 3
Completion 2019
Principal architect (KEAB)Heesung Baek / (JHA)Jinho Jung
Project architect Hwanseok Choi
Design team Mingeol Yang, Saeam Park, Eunji Choi, Saeeun An, Nayoung Kim
Structural engineer Mirae Structural Engineers
Mechanical engineer Dodam
Electrical engineer Dodam
Construction (OLDBARN SC MIXMATCH)Sangcheol Song / (Space Industries)Deasik Lee
Client Gyeonglan Choo
Photographer (REVI)Jongchan Kim
해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2021년 2월호(Vol. 477)에 게재 되었습니다.
The project was published in the February, 2021 issue of the magazine(Vol. 477).
February 2021 : vol. 477
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