Eleven is situated in a residential area near a university district where detached houses with less than two stories built in the past and studio apartment buildings with more than three stories recently built coexist inconveniently. Residents of adjacent buildings demanded more side-blocking facilities than the legal standard, so side-blocking facilities had to be installed to all windows of the new building. In order to prevent the front side of the building being covered by side-blocking facilities, and the wall structure of the staircase located in the front side was extended to allow the privacy between both the new building and the nearby buildings to be secured, and residents were persuaded. Since the wall structure of the staircase was formatively and geometrically designed to avoid being awkward, the building has individuality even though it is a lease building.
대지는 과거에 지어진 2층 미만의 단독주택과 근래에 지어진 3층 이상의 원룸주택이 불편하게 공존하고 있는 대학가 인근 주택가에 위치하고 있다. 인접 건축물 거주자들이 법적 기준 이상의 차면시설을 요구하여 신축하는 건물의 모든 창에 차면시설을 설치해야 하는 상황이었다. 건물 전면이 차면시설로 뒤덮여 있는 형태를 피하기 위해서 전면에 위치한 계단실의 벽체를 연장하여 신축건물과 인접건축물 상호 간의 프라이버시를 확보한 후 주민들을 설득했고, 계단실의 벽체가 어색하지 않도록 조형적이고 기하학적으로 계획하여 임대건물이지만 개성을 가질 수 있도록 했다.
Architects BEST Architectural firm
Location Hwigyeong-dong, Dongdaemun-gu, Seoul, Republic of Korea
Site area 165㎡
Building area 96.15㎡
Gross floor area 299.74㎡
Building scope B1, 3F
Building to land ratio 16.61%
Floor area ratio 126.04%
Construction period 2019. 03 - 08
Completion 2019. 08
Principal architect Kisun Choi
Project architect Kisun Choi
Mechanical engineer DAE O Engineering Co., Ltd
Electrical engineer DAE O Engineering Co., Ltd
Construction Konkuk Eng.
Photographer Hyochel Hwang
해당 프로젝트는 리빙즈, 디테일 02호에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in LIVINGS, Detail 02
[BOOK] LIVINGS, Detail 리빙즈, 디테일 01호, 02호
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