HOTEL HOPPIPOLLA, Enjoy the Forest!
This is a project that repaired an abandoned building that was completed in 1996 and closed in 2008.
In accordance with changes in usage regulations, structures and materials were reinforced based on major repairs. How can we construct a new frame of a limited form? Much was considered for the preservation, recycling, and energy saving of the building.
Change in values: architecture that adapts to changes in building laws and culture
The site is a planned management area, and usage as accommodation facilities is out of the question. In order to maintain the use of the existing accommodation facilities (semi-agricultural land areas), the 2nd to 5th floors above the ground are planned to be repaired, and the 1st floor for general restaurant use is planned as an extension. In order to enjoy the outdoor space, the campground, swimming pool and other facilities were newly planned, and the number of rooms was reduced and reorganized into a family-oriented accommodation.
Sustainable architecture
Compared to before the major renovation, the expected energy saving rate is 66.99% (ECO2 simulation). The existing reinforced concrete was structurally reinforced to satisfy the seismic design standards. The balcony was organized and a new shape and external awning were created. In order to enhance energy efficiency and use more internal space, the shape was rearranged with an external insulation method, and airtight windows and energy-saving products were used. Compared to the building before the major renovation, it has been upgraded to be a building that can save energy with materials and structures that are faithful to the current law standards.
HOTEL HOPPIPOLLA, Enjoy the Forest!
이 프로젝트는, 1996년 준공 뒤 2008년 영업 종료 후 지역에서 버려진 건축물을 수리한 작업이다. 용도 규제의 변화에 따라 대수선을 바탕으로 구조 및 재료를 보강했다. 어떻게 하면 한정된 형태의 틀을 새롭게 구성할 수 있을까? 건축물의 보전과 재활용, 에너지 절감을 위해 고민하였다.
변화된 가치: 건축법 및 문화의 변화에 맞춘 건축
대상지는 계획관리지역으로 숙박시설 용도는 불가능한 지역이다. 기존 숙박시설(준농림지역) 용도를 유지하기 위해 지상 2층~5층은 대수선으로, 일반음식점 용도의 지상 1층은 증축으로 계획한다. 외부를 즐기기 위해 캠핑장, 수영장 및 부대시설을 새롭게 계획했고, 객실 수를 줄여 가족 중심의 숙박시설로 재구성했다.
지속가능한 건축
대수선 전과 비교해서 기대에너지 절감율은 66.99%(ECO2 시뮬레이션)이다. 내진설계 기준을 만족하기 위해 기존 철근콘크리트에 구조보강을 했다. 발코니를 정리하며 새로운 형태와 외부 차양을 만들었다. 에너지 효율 및 내부공간을 더 많이 사용하기 위해 외단열 공법으로 형태를 정리하고, 기밀성 높은 창호와 에너지 절감 제품을 사용했다. 현행법 기준에 충실한 재료와 구조로 대수선 전의 건물과 비교해 에너지 절감이 가능한 건축물로 개선됐다.
Architects PLS Architects │ 피엘에스 건축사사무소
Location 16, Inje-ro 611beon-gil, Saengnim-myeon, Gimhae-si, Gyeongsangnam-do, Republic of Korea
Use Accommodation facility, Neighborhood facility
Site area 1,425㎡
Built area 502.91㎡
Total floor area 1,294.42㎡
Floor 5F
Structure RC structure
Exterior finish Dryvit exterior insulation
Interior finish Flameproof wallpaper, carpet
Design period 2019.05 ~ 2020.04
Construction period 2019.12 ~ 2020.05
Architect Kanghee Park, Yeonjung Lee, Hyukhyu Shin
Design team Namoo So, Jiyoung Um
Structural engineer MOA structural engineerings
Mechanical & Electrical engineer Kwang myoung engineering corp
Construction JinYang Construction Co
Photographer Joonhwan Yoon
해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2022년 2월호(Vol. 489)에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in the February, 2022 recent projects of the magazine(Vol. 489).
February 2022 : vol. 489
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