Our activities in the field of evangelical heritage include cultural and economic reactivation of endangered sites. The Adaptive Reuse program focuses on repurposing annex constructions within fortified churches in Transylvania for contemporary functions. This initiative, aimed at the long-term preservation of these buildings, began with the Fortified Church in Curciu.
The Curciu ensemble includes a gate tower, a chapel, and a dwelling with two rooms, which currently lack specific functions. Only the church itself has been restored and is visitable. The remote location deters tourists due to the absence of nearby accommodation. However, the local community is committed to maintaining the monument, organizing events and educating visitors about its importance.
Adapting these spaces for accommodation serves to reintegrate them into both the local and broader community interested in heritage. This requires new spatial configurations. Our approach involves understanding the existing context, identifying valuable features, and deciding on interventions that either integrate seamlessly or highlight through contrast.
The main directions are conserving the existing structure and preserving its historical value. Artistic components, like the partially destroyed Gothic windows of the chapel, are treated rigorously to enhance their significance without obscuring them. We opted for a thin-profile frame to reconstruct the original design without substituting the original material, fulfilling technical requirements while preserving the historical value.
The reorganization of the interior space, necessary for contemporary facilities, respects the historical context by minimizing alterations to valuable spaces. We employ reversible techniques and natural materials compatible with the existing structures. Temporary partitions conceal utilities while maintaining the original orientation of the rooms.
Increasing visitor numbers necessitates additional spaces. We propose a temporary wooden pavilion outside, integrated with the existing structure but standing out through contrast. This pavilion revitalizes the courtyard with an orthogonal structure that complements medieval masonry architecture.
Our interventions prioritize reversibility and use lightweight materials like wood and metal. This contemporary materiality contrasts with historical constructions, facilitating the ensemble's reintegration into the economic, social, and cultural life of the area. The result is a harmonious composition of historical and new architectural elements, achieving cultural and economic reactivation through thoughtful design.
건축가 Modul 28 BA
위치 시비우 카운티, 루마니아
용도 숙박시설
건축면적 124 ㎡
연면적 148 ㎡
준공 2021 - 2024
공동협업 Dr. Herman Fabini, Lorand Kiss
시공 SC Domino Construct Expert SRL
사진작가 Vlad Pătru
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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일