ⓒ @jaimenavarros




Japoneza is located just two hours away from Mexico City, surrounded by nature in a semi-desert environment and in its beautiful set you can appreciate Fausto´s formidable perspective. You will find here a unique and harmonical architectural piece as well as a peaceful view to the amazing Atlangatepec Lake surrounded by 3 of the most important volcanos in México.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




JapoNeza retreat is a thesis of the parallelism between Japan and Mexican cultures, inspired in both architectural and spiritual traditions (Zen philosophy inside Mexican craziness). From the architectural POV, it has a soul of concrete and regional pine wood treated with a Japanese technique known as “Shou-Sugi-Ban” on which the wood is burned and curated protecting it from the abrasive mountain exterior conditions (very cold at night, very warm during the day). Two layers of wood were built (inside and out) to help fight the bipolar weather, and a third layer of heavy wood sliding doors to provide extra protection as a fortress.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




The name of JAPONEZA is sectioned in Japo (Japanese ) Neza ( Netzahualcoyotl ) the most important architect in prehispanic Mexico. You will find a ¨Shinrin Yoku¨ complete immersion in the natural habitat sharing the space with horses, donkeys, dogs, and a wild fauna such as falcons, eagles, ducks, owls, coyotes, rabbits, roadrunners and raddle snakes.



ⓒ @jaimenavarros




The view of a lake offers tranquility contemplation and appreciation with top butler and Chef service. You can enjoy the hot water in the outdoors wood jacuzzi and relax in the hammocks reminding you the ludic importance of a home. Fausto believes in an architecture that has a soul, history, mithology so when you experience your stay , it will flourish inside of you  and catapult your senses.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




JapoNeza it´s  such a juxtaposition , both cultures are complete oposite in the surfase, yet extremely related in the inside. His design  has a need to explore several layers of understanding not only for the obvious first impression statment ,but to explore a thesis to make the observer understand  and question by admiring, sitting and let the intelect merge with your feelings. One of the most  important aspect is  the social impact  by pushing the comunnity to get involve in the process.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




JapoNeza has been built entirely with local hands ,local materials  and by  entire families .We teach them how  to procure the wood, the field, the animals , the gastronomy and growing by taking care of the hospitality. Thinking in the buisness side  it is  a better pronostic for the long term relationship beacuse the locals and the closest communities  they will protect the project like a member of the family.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




이 프로젝트는 멕시코시티로부터 2시간 거리에 자리한 자연에 둘러싸인 아름다운 대지에 놓여있다. 방문자들은 이 곳에서 독특하고 조화로운 건축물과 함께 세 화산에 둘러싸인 아틀랑가테펙 호수의 경치를 바라볼 수 있다.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




자포네자 리조트는 건축적으로나 철학적으로나 일본과 멕시코 문화 양측에서 영향을 받았다. 건축자재로는 나무를 태워서 보호하는 일본의 '쇼우 수기 반'이라는 기법으로 처리된 콘크리트와 지역 특산의 소나무를 사용했다. 변화가 큰 날씨로부터 집을 보호하기 위해 두 겹의 목재와 세번째 층의 목재 미닫이가 요새를 추가적으로 보호한다.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros




호수의 경치는 최고의 셰프와 함께 평온한 사색과 감상의 시간을 제공한다. 야외에 위치한 목재 자쿠지에서 따듯한 물을 즐길 수 있고 편안한 해먹에서 휴식을 취할 수도 있다.




ⓒ @jaimenavarros


ⓒ @jaimenavarros


ⓒ @jaimenavarros















































Architects   Fausto Terán

Location   Atlangatepec Lagoon, Mexico

Completion   2019. 08

Photograph   Jaime Navarro

'Architecture Project > Hospitality' 카테고리의 다른 글

PIECE HOSTEL SANJO  (0) 2021.01.14
TIDEAWAY  (0) 2021.01.01
L7 HOTELS HONGDAE  (0) 2020.08.12

마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
