Higashi-ikoma where surrounded by the ikoma-mountain and the Yada-hills still left some nature. On the other hand Higashi-ikoma is high-end residential as same as Gakuen- Toshi since it has been developed as estate by Kintetsu. The planned land in Higashi-ikoma is located middle of a small hill which could avoid large-scale development on the North of the ikoma line. After the architects drive up narrow road the land will appear in front of you. The land has two faces the both South area and North area, the most of South are is sloping land, and North area has a tiny flatland and there is an old one-story house. Additionally North of the land is peaceful green area. The land seems like an untouchable area, but they consider that we could use this area as “characteristic of abandoned place”. The client who loves outdoor requests are “one –story house with wood-deck and the loft space is planned as a bedroom”. However, the land is not wide enough to plan one-story house, if we planned one-story house in the land the plan will be same volume as two-stories house. To solve it the architects start planning with adjusting floor level of each rooms based the loft which is the bedroom. When you sit on the stairwell from the study 2nd floor you can see sloping land on South, and if you look back North side, the peaceful green is spread, by that you would feel “you are nestling on the hill”. And once, you open the windows in the study and the dining comfortable breeze will blow through the house, also you can hear song of neighbor birds and cat chatting from the north. The house has been the connection of “the abandoned place” and “The nestling space on the hill”.
소우 하우스는 히가시이코마에 좁은 길을 따라 올라가는 경사지 한 켠에 세워졌다. 남쪽으로는 경사진 땅이, 북쪽으로는 아주 작은 평지와 녹지가 있지만, 건축하기에는 까다로운 조건으로 불리는 ‘포기하도록 만드는 대지’이기도 했다. 건축가는 그 지형적 특성을 살려서 설계를 시작했다. 외부 공간과 집이 연결되길 바란 건축주는 “나무 데크가 있는 1층 집에, 중층에 침실을 만들고 싶다”고 요청했다. 하지만 1층 집을 계획하기엔 좁은 대지면적을 생각해 침실로 사용될 2층을 기준으로 각 실의 층수를 조정하면서 설계안을 조정해 나갔다. 2층의 서재에서 계단에 걸터앉으면 남쪽의 경사지와 북쪽의 펼쳐진 초록이 보이며, ‘언덕에 둥지를 틀고 있다’라는 느낌을 받을 수 있다. 서재의 창을 통해 들어오는 시원한 바람과 산새들의 노래, 고양이들이 떠드는 소리들이 모여 집을 아늑하고 평화로운 보금자리로 만든다. 이를 통해 외지고 경사진 대지의 새로운 보금자리가 생겨날 수 있었다.
Architects atelier thu
Location Ikoma-shi, Nara, Japan
Site area 274.59㎡
Building area 71.15㎡
Gross floor area 112.61㎡
Completion 2020. 04
Principal architect Asuka Tsuboi, Takahiro Hosogai, Satoshi Ueda
Project architect Asuka Tsuboi, Takahiro Hosogai, Satoshi Ueda
Construction engineer (yamamotoyasu koumuten(yamayasu))Masahito Yamamoto
Photographer atelier thu
해당 프로젝트는 리빙즈, 디테일 01호에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in LIVINGS, Detail 01
[BOOK] LIVINGS, Detail 리빙즈, 디테일 01호, 02호
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