ⓒ Xia Zhi

「 I’d like to successfully guess your weight and win you at a féte.」— Roy Fuller

Le Temps Pâtisserie is a popular dessert shop in Fuzhou which has been operated for several years. “LE TEMPS” are French words, with the meaning of “time”. The shop owner chose this name because she hoped that both pleasure of enjoying desserts and profound memories could be permanently preserved in spite of passage of time. 

ⓒ Xia Zhi


The shop is situated in an old plant within a creative industrial park which was repurposed from a factory zone. The old building features nostalgic charm, with mottled walls covered by green ivy leaves.
As described in Bible, “God said, Let there be light. And there was light.” Light is the prerequisite for us to perceive the world, which can also comfort our mind. The design team introduced full natural lights into the space and kept large area of the walls in white. In this way, daylight penetrates the windows, falls on the black bar counter and creates fascinating interactions of lights and shadows, thereby forming a unique environment completely different from the outside, making people calm and relaxed.
Through integrating new design elements into the old building, designers gave it a rebirth. Injected with vitality, the shop provides people with abundant and delightful experience.

ⓒ Xia Zhi

Less is More

The entire space features a palette of black, gray and white. Items used in the shop are exquisite and simple in design, such as furniture from HAY, and utensils of BELOINOX, CUTIPOL MOON, 1616 ARITA and STELTON EM77. The interior design presents a modern and minimalist style that is rarely seen in dessert shops.
The shop owner is particular about details. As she said, “Each kind of dessert has its own cooking rules. A tiny difference in ingredients may lead to different tastes. As for a dessert shop, the interior space serves essential function and plays a key role. Therefore, great importance should be attached to its design and details.”
However, she and designers agreed that dessert was the priority for the shop. So the space was designed in a minimalist style with white, gray and black as major hues, keeping a low profile to highlight desserts. In this way, the interior design doesn’t “steal the show”, but sets off desserts and embodies the brand concept. 
For the spatial structure design, the design team also applied the concept of “Less is more”. There were some columns with uneven surface in the original space. After much deliberation, the team decided to dismantle these columns, thus creating a “clean” space without any superfluous structure.

ⓒ Xia Zhi

ⓒ Xia Zhi


The main space consists of three “boxes”. The black one makes people feel calm, while the white one is refreshing. And the gray box (the seating area with a hue of gray), is of storytelling glamour. The three boxes with different colors are interpenetrated with each other, adding a sense of layering to the overall space. As people move in the space, they can enjoy diversified and interesting visual experience. 
The long and relatively narrow hallway was designed with no decoration. Such “blank leaving” design leaves room for imagination. The large French window brings full natural lights into the space and enables customers to enjoy the outdoor view whether in the daytime or at night. 
Sitting by the window, enjoying beautiful outside view as well as tasting yummy and delicate desserts, people can have a wonderful time in Le Temps Pâtisserie. A heaven of sweets makes the time spent here sweet.

ⓒ Xia Zhi

Le Temps Pâtisserie은 수년 동안 운영된 푸저우의 유명한 디저트 가게이다. “LE TEMPS”는 프랑스어로, “시간”이라는 뜻을 가지고 있다. 가게는 공장 지역에서 용도 변경된 창조 산업단지 내 오래된 공장에 위치하고 있다. 오래된 건물은 향수를 불러일으키는 매력을 갖고 있으며, 초록색 아이비 잎들로 덮인 얼룩덜룩한 벽을 가지고 있다.

ⓒ Xia Zhi

전체 공간은 검정, 회색 그리고 흰색만을 사용하였다. 가게에는 모두 정교하고 디자인적으로 단순한 물건들을 사용하였다. 내부 디자인은 현대적이고 미니멀리스트식 스타일로 디저트 가게에서 거의 찾아보기 힘든 방식이다. 공간 구조 디자인을 위해 설계팀은 “적을수록 좋다”는 콘셉트를 강조하였다. 기존 공간에는 울퉁불퉁한 표면을 가진 기둥들이 있었다. 고민 끝에 이 기둥들을 해체하여 불필요한 구조물 없이 “깔끔한” 공간을 꾸미기로 하였고, 길고 비교적 좁은 복도는 아무런 장식없이 설계되었다. “남겨진 빈 칸”과 같은 설계는 상상력을 위한 공간으로 남겨졌다. 

ⓒ Xia Zhi

넓은 프랑스식 창은 자연광을 내부로 유입하고 손님들은 낮이건 밤이건 야외를 바라볼 수 있다. 창가에 앉아서 아름다운 야외를 바라보며 맛있고 달콤한 디저트를 맛보며 사람들은 Le Temps Pâtisserie에서 즐거운 시간을 보낼 수 있다. 달콤함의 천국은 이 곳에서 보내는 시간을 더욱 달콤하게 만들어줄 것이다.

ⓒ Xia Zhi

Design company   DC Design

Location   Fuzhou, China 

Project area   260㎡ 

Chief designer   Xie Suting 

Design team   Xie Suting, Yu Xiyao 

Design assistant   Chen Shengzhong 

Installation & display   Xie Suting, HAY 

Lighting design consultant   Xu Fengbing 

Photographer   Xia Zhi

해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2019년 2월호(Vol. 453)에 게재 되었습니다.

The project was published in the Feb, 2019 issue of the magazine(Vol. 453).

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마실와이드 | 등록번호 : 서울, 아03630 | 등록일자 : 2015년 03월 11일 | 마실와이드 | 발행ㆍ편집인 : 김명규 | 청소년보호책임자 : 최지희 | 발행소 : 서울시 마포구 월드컵로8길 45-8 1층 | 발행일자 : 매일
