Gosan Cathedral is the oldest church in Suseong-gu, and belongs to the second deputy district of the Daegu Archdiocese. The priest’s office and nunnery were built about 35 years ago and have been in use since then. Over time, in the same way as we humans grow old, the buildings have deteriorated, and the function of the buildings have been lost. The one-way road from Dalgubeol-daero and the small crossroad connecting Siji 1st Bridge were relocated, which caused some congestion. There was a large amount of parking on the surrounding roads, which aggravated the congestion. There were no parking spaces at the cathedral, so an alternative was needed because this added to the surrounding congestion. In the plan to extend the priest’s office and nunnery, we worked on solving the parking problem to some extent, which has always been a concern, and to improve the lost function so that the clergy can engage in pastoral activities and the retreatants can concentrate on their prayers and work in the cathedral. Fortunately, there were beautiful things other than congestion around Gosan Cathedral. It was not easy to put something new in this familiar and comfortable place where the Maehocheon Stream flows to the south and there are beautiful green trees around Seongmodongsan(hill) and the old church. By revealing the pillars and beams on the exterior wall, affinity with the existing building was naturally enhanced. The use of stone and arch to suggest stability and religious traditions, and to emphasize the purity and innocence of the clergy and retreatants by using pure white cotton, expresses a new change from familiarity. The priest’s office and nunnery in the Gosan Cathedral has reflected the sentiments of users in the plan as much as possible. The parking problem was solved to some extent by configuring a piloti-type parking lot, and the building design included use of the narrow yard. For the exterior, clay bricks and a sloping roof were employed to bring the building into harmony with the existing cathedral, and blocks and white surfaces were used to incorporate a modern sensibility. In addition, the interior was zoned for each floor to ensure maximum independence within the collective building, and the bedrooms were arranged to face Maehocheon Stream to the south.
고산성당은 대구대교구 제2대리구에 소속된 수성구 시지에서 가장 역사가 오래된 성당이다. 기존 사제관 수녀원은 지금으로부터 약 35년 전 건립되어 사용되었고, 시간의 흐름 속에서 인간이 늙어가듯 노후화되어 있었다. 달구벌대로에서 연결되는 일방 통행로와 시지1교가 연결되는 작은 사거리 이전 공사와 주변 이면도로에 주차까지 많아 혼잡함이 가중되고 있던 상황이었다. 이번 사제관 수녀원 증축은 성당에서 고민하던 주차 문제를 해결하면서, 상실된 기능을 개선하여 성직자와 수도자가 사목활동에 전념할 수 있는 공간을 만드는 것이 중요했다. 다행히 고산성당 주변엔 혼잡함만 있는 것은 아니었다. 남측에 흐르는 매호천과 아름답게 꾸며져 있는 성모동산, 푸른 가로수. 건축가는 이 편안한 곳에 새로운 공간이 들어서더라도 익숙하게 느낄 수 있도록 형태와 재료에서부터 시작했다. 외벽 면은 기둥, 보 형태를 드러내며, 석재와 아치로 안정감과 종교적인 전통을 스며들게 했다. 성직자와 수도자의 청빈함과 순수함은 순백의 면으로 강조하여 새로운 변화를 표현한다. 고산성당 사제관 수녀원은 사용자들의 의견이 계획에 반영되어 있다. 필로티형 주차장은 기존의 주차문제를 해결하면서 협소했던 마당 공간도 확보할 수 있었다. 외관의 점토 벽돌과 경사 지붕을 사용하여 기존성당과 조화를 추구했고 큐블럭과 백색면을 이용하여 현대적인 감각을 함께 담았다. 또한, 실내는 집합적인 건물 내에서 독립성을 최대한 확보할 수 있도록 층별 조닝했고 침실은 매호천을 바라볼 수 있는 정남향을 향하도록 배치했다.
Architects HYEAN Architecture and Engineering | 건축사사무소 혜안
Location Siji-dong, Suseong-gu, Deagu, Republic of Korea
Program Religious facilities
Site area 1,960.00㎡
Building area 1,045.59㎡
Gross floor area 1,991.90㎡
Building scope 4F
Building to land ratio 53.35%
Floor area ratio 101.63%
Design period 2021. 3 - 2021. 5
Completion 2022
Principal architect Woosung Jang
Project architect Woosung Jang
Design team Jongmin Shin, Gawon Song, Kyeonggeun Lee, Junho Park
Client Daegu Catholic Church Maintenance Foundation
Photographer Yongsu Kim
해당 프로젝트는 건축문화 2022년 6월호(Vol. 493)에 게재되었습니다.
The project was published in the June, 2022 recent projects of the magazine(Vol. 493).
June 2022 : vol. 493
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